As seen in the New York Times...
Taxi! is your tool for quickly finding great taxi service in the USA.
+ Find the most popular and most reliable taxi services services for your area. (determined automatically for your location)
+ Call a taxi with one simple tap on the screen.
+ Taxi! PRE-SCREENS all Taxi and Cab listings. Unlike other apps, weve actually spoken with each of the 800+ taxi companies in our database. Reliability was often determined by referrals from nearby hotels.
+ Taxi! gives you RATINGS and feedback collected from you and other Taxi! users - making the choice of who to call even easier.
+ Each taxi company listed picks up its customers 24/7.
+ Paper or plastic. Taxi! lists payment options for each taxi service.
+ CITY COMPATIBILITY: Taxi! works for the 260 US cities with populations over 100,000. Taxi! also lists NYC neighborhood car services.
NOTE: If you want to see a feature, are having trouble using our software, have a question, or complaint please contact us at [email protected].
Complaints that are given via the Ratings system will be ignored.
Happy riding!
-The Taxi! team